Featured This Week - ORAL FUN!!

Featured This Week - ORAL FUN!!

Featured This Week : ORAL FUN!!

You know whose genital juice tastes like cookies and cream? No one’s! We all have a taste down there. As long as you’re healthy and on top of your hygiene, you should taste fine. If you’re still worried about funky spunk, tweaking what you eat may improve the taste of your juices.

To sweeten your sauce, try eating: pineapple, papaya, nutmeg, cinnamon, celery

Add lube to the mix. Sure, your mouth is plenty juicy, but lube is fun for everyone! Flavored lubes can make oral sex tasty and can make hand action or toy play even better. You can also add Dental dams, tonguecondoms, or a regular condom used as a dam will all work well for safety. (flavored condoms work extremely well!!) 

Adding candy (BJ Blast), chocolate, fruit or even whipped cream can be fun. Just remember to clean up well after. No one wants an infection to remember the fun by.

Fun Fact: when using the BJ Blast candy start out with just a bit and add more. you don't want a mouth full of only candy!